FLAG early-mid career researcher workshop

In November, twenty-seven of our dedicated early-mid career researchers (late PhD and Postdocs) travelled north to the stunning Leigh Marine Reserve at Goat Island for our Future Leaders Advisory Group workshop.

In line with ABP’s aims, the focus of the workshop was ‘collaboration’, so we had a number of invited speakers to teach our attendees about how to build effective collaborations, why collaborations are important, as well as flash talks from our attendees so they could start building their own collaborations!

A brief summary of our programme:

  • A "Your Personality and Elevator Pitch" session, facilitated by Sue Giddens (Centre for Brain Research, University of Auckland), taught us about how we can use our personality differences to our benefit when working in teams, and how to craft a brief elevator pitch we can use to describe our mahi (work) to others.

  • Professor Alice Theadom (AUT) spoke to us about her establishing the Traumatic Brain Injury Network (TBIN), which combines academic institutions, community groups, medical centres and government groups to better outcomes for those affected by TBI.

  • Drs Brigid Ryan (UoA), Ashleigh Barrett-Young (UoO) and Erin Cawston (UoA) spoke about their funding success for their Alzheimer’s Disease blood biomarker project, which combines Brigid and Erin’s expertise in blood biomarker work, with Erin’s collaborations in Sweden to utilise powerful blood assessment technology, and Ashleigh’s access to blood taken across the lifespan from members of The Dunedin Study.

  • An enlightening talk from Dr Faith Welch (Office of Research Strategy & Integrity, UoA), who had us thinking about the outcomes and the potential impact of our research, and how we can plan to maximise these for the benefit of us and the world!

  • Flash talks where our attendees introduced themselves, their skills, and their potential for future collaboration.

  • A poster session, which we were lucky enough to be able to hold outside in the beautiful Auckland sunshine!

A huge mihi to our sponsors, The Neurological Foundation of New Zealand, Te Tītoki Mataora and The Canterbury Medical Research Foundation, for their financial support of this workshop - it wouldn’t have been possible without them!

Sophie Mathiesen

ABP Administrator


Video recording of FLAG panel, “What does it take to secure a permanent lecturing position in Aotearoa?”