Stroke resources
Rauemi Roro Ikura

Stroke Riskometer App

The Stroke Riskometer™ app is an award winning and easy-to-use tool for measuring your individual risk of a stroke in the next five to ten years. The Stroke Riskometer can calculate your stroke risk by evaluating a series of risk factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, lifestyle and other health factors that directly influence your likelihood of a stroke.

For more information and how to download the app, see our Tools and Apps page.

Another tool developed by Prof Feigin and his collaborators at AUT is, a website focused on self-managed rehabilitation. It features a series of videos on stroke care and rehabilitation available for a minimal cost. The videos demonstrate rehabilitation procedures – from muscle strengthening and fatigue management to bathing and walking – and show how to manage everyday life when recovering from a stroke. The practical demonstrations are accompanied by easy-to-understand explanations from health professionals.

The videos have already been tested by Dr Kelly Jones and her team at the National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neuroscience at AUT in a controlled trial in six countries, and have proved highly acceptable.

Click here to access the website and find out more.